Here some lawyer-talk as I am told is due and proper on a website:
This website is published by
Astrid Donaubauer-Grobner
Waltenhofengasse 3/3/3302
1100 Vienna
This website contains links to external websites of third parties on the contents of which I have no influence. Thus I cannot guarantee for these contents. The responsibility for these linked websites lies with the providers or operators of these websites. The websites were checked for possible legal violations at the time of the linking. At this time no illicit contents were noticed. Without tangible indications a permanent content check of the linked websites is not reasonable. As soon as any violations are known to me, I will remove such links immediately.
This basically means that I have no control over what people post on the social networks and other websites I am linked to. So if some nuthead delights in posting something insulting, discriminating or even illegal on any of my pinboards, this does certainly not reflect what I think; so don’t give me a hard time about it. I will delete it as soon as I notice it. You are welcome to point things like that out to me, though; I’d appreciate that.
The graphics and pictures that were used to create this website are protected by copyright.
So don’t just use my stuff publicly without asking me – preferably before you use it. I am a reasonable gal, so there is a good chance that I’ll agree to it. At least when it comes to the images I had a hand in creating – the permission to help yourself to any of the images I bought is not mine to give. I have no problem if you want to paper your walls with my book-covers – just try to make it a room where a lot of people see it. What can I say? That’s the kind of thinking a trained marketer is brainwashed into…